Thursday, April 16, 2009

MY Heart Is Like A Stone

My heart is like a stone...
it doesn't feel anything when you throw any object
and even you throw it just to make me in pain...
you wrong because...
it doesn't work at all...
because i'm strong enough to face it...
because a stone doesn't have a feeling...
and the stone is my heart
a soft heart that you turn to be a "thing"
a "thing" doesn't have a feeling at all
like a stone...
you can throw any mean words for me and it doesn't feel pain anymore
because i'm used to it...
because my heart is turn to be a stone
do what you like
because i don't care anymore and...
because my heart is a stone...
that doesn't mean you shouldn't care...
because i'm still human...
a human do have a feeling...
don't blame me because my heart is like a stone...
because that's you...
who turn it to...

Iklan KFC

Korunk sume perasan x iklan kfc yang orang muslim kai kopiah bagi kfc kat jiran mereka yang non-muslim yang baru pindah rumah? yela, xpernah2 kfc wat iklan guna orang yang kai kopiah, selalu yang korporat kai kemeja, kot pe....haha, first tem tengok, pelik gak...kenapa wat iklan gitu? n setau aku iklan kfc xdela banyak sgt mcm iklan McD(sedangkan masa tu dah ada iklan kfc baru kuar)...haha...risik2, tgk ngan suasana..upa2nya..tem tu time org ngah boikot KFC...hmmm...tengokla strategi diorang tu...nak pujuk orang ramai khususnya yang muslim kat Malaysia...diorang tonjolkan yang orang Islam pun makan KFC...haha..kalau dah tiap2 ari dok nampak iklan tu...misti ada sedkit rasa nak g try2 kan?
hmmmm...tengokla...salah satu dari strategi kapitalis yang sangat2 berpengaruh...MEDIA PENGIKLANAN...huhu

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hatiku Sedih Sekali (-_-)

aku resah, gelisah, jiwaku memberontak...huhu...tak sampai seminggu lagi kena submit tesis....tapi tadi diriku dilanda satu lagi musibah...huhu...aku t'replace bab2 aku ngan bab 3..Ya ALLAH, besar sungguh dugaan Mu padaku. huhu, kenela buat balik...tapi salah aku jugak, nape g buka bab 2 nak tulis bab 3..terpaksala tulis balik then nak buka bab 4 dah ilang pulak....adoiiiii...lagi satu dugaan....huhu.....YA ALLAH...TENANGKANLAH HATIKU YANG SEDANG GUNDAH GULANA INI...AMIN.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Addicted

lately i'm kind of addicted to this wonderful song HOME SWEET HOME from Carrie Underwood. haha, xtaula, lagu2 yg aku suka skang sume melibatkan lagu nak pulang umah, graduation, pasal kawan2..huhu...nak grad katakan...haha, this is HOME SWEET HOME yg sgt2 berkesan dalam hatiku yg rindu kat umah skang...LAYAAAAAANNNNNN....

You know I'm a dreamer
But my heart's of gold
I had to run away high
So I wouldn't come home low

Just when things went right
Doesn't mean they were always wrong
Just take this song and you'll never feel
Left all alone

Take me to your heart
Feel me in your bones
Just one more night
And I'm comin' off this
Long & winding road

I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home
Tonight, tonight
I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home

You know that I've seen
Too many romantic dreams
Up in lights, fallin' off the silver screen

My heart's like an open book
For the whole world to read
Sometimes nothing keeps me together at the seams

I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home sweet home
Tonight, tonight
I'm on my way
Just set me free
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home

I'm on my way
I'm on my way
Home Sweet Home
I'm on my way
Just set me free
Home Sweet Home


Dah tahun2 akhir ne...dengar lagu Graduation ne memang berkesan betol di hati...sayu2...

"Graduation (Friends Forever)"

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
We would get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

[1] - As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

[Repeat 1]

La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

[Repeat 1 (3x)]

Apa yang penting....KERJASAMA!

haha, again aku mau citer pasal kera ukm. Kali ne bukan pasal kerosakan oleh kera-kera ne tapi sikap kera2 ne yang boleh kita wat teladan. Apa yang penting, KERJASAMA! haha, macam lagu WonDerPET...haha(aku x tgk pon cite tu, dgr lagu kat tv jer).
Alkisahnya, aku balik dr shopping beli kasut, then nak balik bilik. Masa tu banyak gler kera kuar(senja-tem diorang party). Satu sifat kera ukm ne xleh tgk benda warna merah (p/s: sbb plastik mknn kat ukm kbykan warna merah)kalau tgk warna merah ja nak terkam. Kbtln plak kotak kasut aku masa tu warna merah...alahai...nak simpan lam beg x muat. Terpaksala aku jalan mcm spy menyusup dari blok ke blok. Nak ja sampai blok more block.....JENG, JENG, JENG....TIBA-TIBA...
hehe...not so surprise pon...aku dgr suara ja...suara mcm menangis2...rupa2nya ada baby monkey nangis kat atas blok. Aku kuar ah...xtakot pon ngan ank dia (siap aku wat main2 ag) bapak dia yg aku takut...huhu. Masa tu kawanan kera dewasa dah xde pon..tinggal yang anak-anak ntah camana yang baby tu terpisah, selalu terpaut kat mak dia ja.
Then, ada ah sekor kera ag yang bek ati ne..kecik ag tp lg bsr dr yg baby tula g amik dia kat ats bagnn, risau gak aku tgk dia kecik ag pon dah nak bw baby kera tu...bersusah payah gak ...dr tgkat dua plak tu...and then dia blah n then aku blah jugak msk blik. hehe....tapi kawan2 moral kat sini...sikap kawanan kera tu sendiri...kalau kita praktikkan bw bnyak kebaikan kpd kita semua..CTH : SIKAP KERJASAMA, JANGAN MEMENTINGKAN DIRI SENDIRI, BERBUAT BAIK SESAMA SENDIRI DSB...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Got bruise in my Face : Monkey Attack!

huhu..nampak x? dah dekat ngan mata tu..ini bukan fantasi tapi realiti...kena pukul..huhu. Sapa pukul? Sumthin yang xboleh didakwa atau dihukum...huhu...tau sapa punya keje ne? Jawapannya Kera UKM. huh, geram betol....ada lak dia main2 ngan penyumbat lubang tangki air ats bagnn tu jatuh.....piunggggggggg....kena kat sorang insan malang..aku ler..uhuhu...sakit gler...terus biru itam bengkak....seb bek ah cepat sembuh..huhu...xda orang nak wat pape ke ngan populasi kera yg semakin banyak kalau xde masalah xpela tp ne banyak wat kerosakan...vandalisme tau kera2 sapa nak jawab????